模擬城市4- 暴動模組 (City-Riots-mod)

How to make a city riot?

由於模擬城市4設定的暴動門檻非常高 (市長聲望 -20以下),所以有國外網友做了這個Lot補丁讓大家體驗一下什麼叫做暴動。

Download - Lots-of-riots-mod

使用方式 (Usage)

  1. 將檔案解壓縮後丟入 plugins 資料夾。
  2. 進入城市後,使出你的絕招降低聲望,如在住宅區內蓋垃圾發電廠;把公園換成垃圾掩埋場。習翠
  3. 低於 50 後就會有暴動出現了。

  1. Decompress the file and drop it into the plugins folder.
  2. After entering the city, use your tricks to lower your reputation, such as building a garbage power plant in a residential area; replacing the park with a garbage dump.
  3. When it gets below 50, there will be a riot.

Simcity 4 - Plugins folder

C:\Users\[name]\Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins


裝了這個 Lot 所引發的暴動將不會對城市造成任何損害,和平程度宛如太陽花學運一般,所以請各位呼叫警察時千萬別執法過當。

Notes: The riots caused by this Plugins will Not cause any damage to the city.


